Sunday, May 9, 2010


Picture is in my profile

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kevin Kelly

I was most shocked to find that the computers and the internet use 5% of the world's electricity. Also, the fact that the internet is 5,000 days old. It shows how fast technology grows and that it is constantly changing. 5,000 days is not a very long time. If we compare the internet then to how it is now, there are substantial differences.

I believe Kelly when he says that everything will become part of the web. Even now, it is so easy to access any type of information that pretty soon, daily activities will be able to be conducted through the internet in some way. It is shocking to hear his reversal of McLuhan when he says that "humans are the extended senses of the machine". It makes it seem as if the computer is controlling and affecting our everyday lives and that everything we do is a function of expanding technology and the internet.

"Believe in the impossible", as Kelly says, should be followed by the general population. Technologies we have now and the capabilities the internet has would seem unimaginable when the internet first made its debut 5,000 days ago. The quote emphasizes the fact that the most creative and unimaginable ideas will most likely become realities in the near future.