Friday, January 29, 2010

Medium is the Message

Medium- Blogs. Over the past few years, blogs have become increasingly popular. They allow users to post their own ideas onto their own blog "websites" in turn allowing others users to read and respond to those posts. Though information is mostly opinionated on these blogs, they enable the sharing of information quickly and easily over the internet.
Medium- Smartphones. Smartphones, such as Research in Motion's Blackberry devices and Apple's iPhone, provide one of the quickest forms of sharing information. Smartphone users can text, e-mail, chat, browse the internet, and listen to music all from one device. Within seconds users can share information with one another threw a few stokes of the small keyboard.

Medium- Digital Video Cameras. While video cameras have been around for some time, the latest technology has provided video cameras that can easily fit into user's pockets. At any point in time, a user can take out the video camera, press the record button, and instantly capture something of importance on the device. To add a greater depth of technological advancement, the flip camera comes with a built-in flash drive so that videos can be uploaded to a computer. In a matter of minutes, a newsworthy event can be videotaped, uploaded, and published to the internet for a faster means of information sharing.

1 comment:

  1. "In what ways do your examples of new forms of media change the perceptions of societies? What are the personal and social consequences resulting from the introduction of your examples?"

    Blogs- Blogs change the perceptions of societies because I believe they allow people to become more open minded. Blogs are very opinionated and allow users to publish and share their own thoughts and ideas. They allow readers to open their minds to what bloggers are thinking, which quite possibly could have an effect on what they think or believe. While this open mindedness can be a positive thing, it can also have social and personal consequences. What people post in their blogs may not always be correct or valid information. This can, in turn, taint some people's minds into believing what others believe.

    Smartphones- Smartphones change the perceptions of societies because they allow more people to connect with one another. People can obtain information wherever they are. This is also a consequence because it prohibits personal connections between people. Users become too dependable on their phones. Instead of having face to face conversations with one another, texting, chatting, and e-mailing has taken its place.

    Digital Video Cameras- These video cameras change the perceptions of societies because they allow people to see exact footage of events that take place. Instead of word of mouth transferring of information where facts get scrambled up, the video recorder provides an accurate account of events that happen. One consequence that these digital video cameras provide in a sense is an invasion of privacy. The camera can record a person unwillingly because they are so small, many don't realize who is carrying one.
