Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Digital Nation

I found the video, "Digital Nation", to be very interesting. While I knew that technology and the internet were taking over a majority of our everyday lives, I didn't realize the extent to which it was doing so. The most shocking part of the film so far was the footage of the children in the school in Korea. The fact that the children were singing songs about the internet with words like "netiquitte" and the internet as a "friendly neighborhood", made me realize just how much of our lives are consumed with interacting over the internet.

I was also shocked by the studies of ivy league college students and their inability to multitask as well as they had originally believed. I know that I, and many of my peers at Marist, believe we can multitask by studying, checking e-mail, and chatting all at the same time without it having much of an effect on the outcome of our work. Seeing that the study results proved quite the opposite made me realize that students can be doing much better in school and can produce higher quality work if the technological distractions are either minimized or eliminated.

1 comment:

  1. what do you think about this?


    I'm thinking of having you guys read part of it for class.

    I want you to prove this guy WRONG!!
