Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What in "The Persuaders" surprised you (or not)? Name one new thing you learned about marketing or politics from watching the film. Name one new thing you learned about yourself from watching the film, or one thing that the film reiterated about yourself.
In my Marketing class last semester, I read a lot of books and spent the majority of the semester learning about the topics discussed in this video. The film has put a greater emphasis on how much actually goes into creating advertisements and ensuring that they reach their respective target audiences. The video has also made me realize about myself that I do tend to tune out when it comes to advertisements. There are so many around us that its hard to focus in on one commercial or one billboard out of the hundreds in places like New York City.

Where are things headed in the future? What are some possible scenarios that could play out as far as the direction that future persuaders may take their marketing techniques.
New technologies are bringing more means of advertising. One of the advertising techniques that is becoming increasingly popular comes from the growth in sales of smartphones. Marketers and advertisers are now working with cell service providers to provide consumers with free cell phone service if they agree to receive a certain number of advertisements daily on their cell phones. This is a unique way of providing consumers with a benefit while at the same time making them more aware of other advertisements and new products.

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